Cosmic Laughter

timewave zero, then what?

09.09. - 14.10.2012
Ursula Blickle Stiftung

The 2012 phenomenon refers to eschatological beliefs according to which events will occur on December 21, 2012 that will lead to transformations. By now not only spiritual seekers have the conviction that something has to change. Still there are different interpretations on the meaning of that specific date. Beyond the lunatic fringe views regarding the end of the world, a more constructive reading of the phenomenon is found in new age circles claiming that 2012 might be the beginning of a higher consciousness in humanity. Different circles have come to the realization that in fact the Western systems have not brought prosperity and fulfilment to everybody as imagined. Although the reoccurring idea that “things have to change” is nothing new within human history, the fact that the present thrive for change coincides with the Mayan premonition has been an intriguing reason to present a show on the topic. The exhibition at the Ursula Blickle Foundation seems thus to offer the perfect point in time and occasion for Fabian Marti and Cristina Ricupero to bring together artists from different generations united by the common urge to create new worlds.