In the End was the Word:
Language as a Medium of the Contemporary Visual Arts

13.11. - 18.12.2011
Ursula Blickle Stiftung

Curator: Prof. Peter Weiermair, Frankfurt
Jack Pierson
Psychokiller, verschiedene Materialien, 2000
Courtesy Xavier Hufkens Gallery, Brüssel
Ken Lum
Kim Mart, 2009
Plexiglas, powder coated lacquer aluminium,
plastic letters, enamel paint 178 x 198 cm
© Ken Lum
Courtesy L.A. Galerie - Lothar Albrecht, Frankfurt
Jenny Holzer, Installation:Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
Living: It takes a while before you can…, 1989
Bethel White granite bench
17 x 36 x 18 in. / 43.2 x 91.4 x 45.7 cm
Text: Living, 1980–82
New York, 1989
© 1989 Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
Marko Lulic
Invisible Monument, 2010
Wood, paint, PVC
200 x 365 x 100 cm
Courtesy Gabriele Senn Galerie
Installation View, Untitled Concrete, Gabriele Senn Galerie 2010
Jorinde Voigt
Grammatik, Berlin, 2010
Variable dimensions
8 propellers, 8 engines, carboxylic, varnish
Courtesy: Jorinde Voigt – Galleria Marie-Laure Fleisch, Rome
Paul van der Eerden
Impure, fatigue..., verschiedene Materialien, 2003
Besitz des Künstlers
Franz Graf
o.T., Acryl, Graphit und Tusche auf Leinwand, 2005
Privatsammlung, Wien
Anyone who attentively studies the wealth of possible media in the contemporary visual arts will be struck by how much text in its diverse forms and statements has become a central theme of current aesthetic strategies—seemingly as an ultima ratio. This attitude, which was anticipated by conceptual art, signifies a turn away from the world that can be experienced sensually and necessitates that the viewer reenact the text mentally. At the same time there is also an aestheticizing of linguistic symbols that communicates meaning. The arc spans from neon signs to painted text, from the project of combinations of text and images to forms derived from the world of comics or advertising. This international anthology demonstrates, in part by the ironically modified biblical citation of its title, a quasi-final position.

Artists: Azt, Bernard Faucon, Heinz Gappmayr, Alex Gingrow, Franz Graf, Siggi Hofer, Jenny Holzer, Siggi Hofer, Zenita Komad, Ignas Krunglevicius, Mikko Kuorinki, Simon Linke, Marko Lulic, Ken Lum, Marzia Migliora, Maurizio Nannucci, Raymond Pettibon, Jack Pierson, Paul van der Eerden, Jorinde Voigt und Hank Willis Thomas